There’s live music in the High Moon Saloon! We enjoyed the comedy and tunes from … was it the Silverwood Mountain Boys? Anyways, they ended their set with One Direction’s “What Makes You Beautiful”, so we jumped up and danced! Whee! 😀
Category Archives: East Coast Swing
SoCal Renaissance Pleasure Faire – Irwindale
Great band called VaNa MaZi played a really great song, so we danced in the back! It was really interesting dancing on dirt in Faire garb.
Monterey Bay Aquarium – Monterey, CA
So they have a musical at the tidal pool featuring puppets made of recyclable materials and aquarium employees singing! It’s actually quite enjoyable for a little 12-minute show. During the playoff music, Laura and I did a little dancing in the back area.
Starbucks – Incline Village, NV
So we head into Starbucks waiting for the local movie theatre to open up and show us Sucker Punch and Whatever Lola Wants (Lola Gets) (from Damn Yankees) by some woman and a male chorus is playing and it puts us in the mood to dance. After we order, You’re Getting To Be A Habit With Me (from 42nd Street) by what sounds an awful lot like Frankie comes on and we give it a try, snow-boots/galoshes and all. It works pretty well, but Laura points out that while on her toes, the galosh (is that the right singular?) is still on the ground. Oh and switches are murder. 🙂
Lloyd’s of Avalon
Pretty music is irresitible…and the tile floor was very easy to dance on.
Disneyland – Carnation Plaza
Sugar push into balboa
Exact same footwork, just do a sugar push and then on the second one, pull the follow into balboa closed position, up hold on three-four, and finish a balboa basic.